Four makefiles have been provided for Linux: makefile.gcc GNU C (gcc) makefile.icc Intel C (icc) makefile.pathcc PathScale C (pathcc) makefile.pgcc Portland Group C (pgcc) To create libvaxdata.a and the test program: # make -f substituting gcc, icc, pathcc, or pgcc for xxx. The default make target is all. The library and all object files will be written to a subdirectory named for the system architecture returned by "uname -m". To link a C program with the library: # xxx -o program program.o -lvaxdata -Lhere/arch substituting gcc, icc, pathcc, or pgcc for xxx, and the path to the library for here/arch (assuming it has not been moved or copied somewhere else). To link a Fortran program with the library, substitute g95, gfortran, ifort, pathf90, pathf95, pgf90, or pgf95 for xxx, plus the path to the library for here/arch.