Prerequistes ============ Some of the functions in rpw_pds.verify are just convienance wrappers around various perl utilities. Before these will function you need to have Perl installed as well as the "PDS Tools Package". See README.txt for links. Installation ============ 1. Run installation script. * To install in your home directory under $HOME/lib/python and $HOME/bin: $ python install --home=$HOME and set PYTHONPATH in your .bashrc or .kshrc. This will install files in: $HOME/lib/python/rpw_pds * To install in the standard sys location: $ python install The standard system location varies but on unix it's usually /usr/local/lib/pythonX.X/site-packages or /usr/lib/pythonX.X/site-packages where X.X is your python major and minor versions. On windows it is usually C:\PythonXX where XX is the python major and minor versions. On UNIX this will (typically) install files in: /usr/local/lib/pythonX.X/site-packages/rpw_pds 2. If you are maintaining a personal stock of python libraries in your home directory, you should set PYTHONPATH in your login shell to point to that location, which is typically $HOME/lib/python. This way all of your personal python libs will be found automatically when python is invoked. Testing the Installation ======================== Enter the commands below to see the help info. This test library loading, here '$' represents a shell prompt, and '>>>' represents the python interperater prompt. $ cd ~/ # <--- Important $ python >>> import rpw_pds.util >>> import rpw_pds.parse >>> import rpw_pds.verify >>> help(rpw_pds.util) Changing out of the installation directory first is important because the python interperater could pick up the sources from the installation directory if that just happens to be your current working directory.