Standard Survey Product
Three Axis DC Magnetic field vector in the UVW science coordinate system. UVW is the spacraft science coordinate system where W is along the spin axis. THIS IS A SPINNING COORDINATE SYSTEM. Data is orthogonalized
Mag U, Mag V, Mag W
Units: nT, nT, nT
Cadence: 1 vector every 0.015625 seconds (64 samples per second)
File Description
File Name: rbsp-?_magnetometer_uvw_emfisis-L2_<YYYYmmdd>_<version>.cdf
Epoch: TT2000 epoch, nanoseconds since 2000 of the record.
Mag: 3 elements of the mag vector in UVW coordinates (MagU, MagV, MagW).
Magnitude: Absolute magnitude of magnetic field (Square root of the sum of the squares)
delta: Angle of the vector off of the spin plane (W) ; in the fashion as Latitude
lambda: Angle of the vector projected in the spin plane (0 is along the U axis) ; in the fashion as Longitude
range_flag: SUPPORT DATA. Indicator of the active range the sensor; 0 - Range 0 (+/- 256 nT), 1 - Range 1 (+/- 4096 nT), 3 - Range 3 (+/- 65536 nT)
MET: SUPPORT DATA. Mission Elapsed Time of the data.
calState: SUPPORT DATA. Calibrator signal active status, 0 - Calibration off, 1 - Calibration on. Data is not scientifically valid when the calibration is active.