Data Use Policy

If you are planning a publication or presentation in which some or all of the data you are using was produced by an instrument team other than your own, it is expected that you, as a fair and honorable member of the RBSP community, will follow the following guidelines:

  • Notify the PI of the team that produced the data that you are working on a paper and the topic of the paper well before circulating a first draft.
  • Invite to be on the authorship:
    • The Principal Investigator, or his/her designate, of the team that generated the data.
    • Any other contributors and scientists (from your team or other tems) who significantly contributed to the specific work described in your publication.
  • Circulate a copy to all co-authors at least two weeks before you intend to submit and be willing to wait on submission if there are concerns raised by a member of the instrument team.
  • Allow any members of the author list to request to have their name removed from the publication authorship list as they so choose.